I started going to Paul's when Paul owned it. He was known for his honesty. He sold it to a guy named Greg. Greg seemed honest too. About five years ago, I moved out to the country. I happened to land right next to a mechanic for Wright County who used to have his own shop and still has the computer diagnostic mechanism that plugs into the car. I won't bring my car to the neighbor because I know he won't let me pay him and he must work about 80 hours a week (two jobs). However, I do take advantage of the diagnostic machine he has and typically, he can diagnose problems on the phone by having me do things with the vehicle. So, I am usually pretty confident I know what is wrong when I bring it in. Not only is my neighbor always right, Greg always forms the same conclusion as the neighbor. I don't advertise that the neighbor has already made a tentative diagnosis over the phone or a real one with the machine. I don't know much car talk either so I would be an easy target but I can knowingly say that Greg, the owner of Paul's Auto has always been honest with me. I know he's cheaper than the dealers (Nissan, VW and Subaru) but can't compare his rates to other shops because I just go to him now.